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Female Genital Mutilation as Violence Against Women: A Narrative of Promoting Abandonment (2021)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Idris,Rizky Akbar,et al. FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: None. Objective: This study aimed to analyze FGM as violence against women relating to the communities and their beliefs by addressing the status quo and the legality of FGM practices in Indonesia,Egypt,and Yemen. Study Population: N/A Findings: This study showed that FGM was a form of violence against women which have a role in the perpetual violation of women’s rights. It identified the difference in practice,prevalence,legality,and the state’s role in FGM in Indonesia,Egypt,and Yemen. It suggested to prevent FGM practices through mobilizing political will and funding,strengthening healthcare providers’ awareness and knowledge,building a supportive legislative and regulatory environment,and reinforcing monitoring,evaluation,and accountability. Geographical coverage Region(s):Western Asia,Northern Africa,Southeastern Asia Country(ies):Indonesia,Egypt,Yemen Source

September 8, 2023

Female genital mutilation between culture and health: a quanti-qualitative study (2013)

This study is a Exploratory research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Simonelli Ilaria,Alice Barbieri,Francesca Beraldo,Fabrizio Simonelli FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: None. Objective: To investigate how different study populations (in particular immigrant women,Italian women and health professionals) perceive the social representations of FGM Study Population: Women Findings: The social representations of FGM expressed by immigrant and Italian women presented several convergences,highlighting changes of immigrant-related attitudes for women who had lived in Italy for more than 5 years. Health care services are essential players in the pursuit of abandoning the practice Geographical coverage Region(s):Southern Europe Country(ies):Italy Source

Female Genital Mutilation Consequences and Healthcare Received among Migrant Women: A Phenomenological Qualitative Study (2021)

This study is a Exploratory research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): González-Timoneda A,González-Timoneda M,Cano Sánchez A,Ruiz Ros V FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: Obstetric,gynaecological,genitourinary and psychological consequences of FGM. Objective: The objective of this study was to explore the FGM experiences of migrant women coming from FGM-practicing countries residing in a European host country Study Population: Migrant women and men of 18+ age coming from FGM-practicing countries residing in a European host country with FGM experience Findings: The qualitative data was analysed using Giorgi’s four-step phenomenological approach. Three main themes were derived: “FGM consequences”,“healthcare received” and “tackling FGM”. Participants highlighted obstetric,gynaecological and genitourinary consequences such as haemorrhages,perineal tears,caesarean delivery,risk of infection,dysmenorrhea,urinary tract infections and dysuria; consequences for sexuality,mainly,dyspareunia,loss of sexual interest and decreased quality of sexual intercourse; and psychological consequences such as loss of self-esteem,feelings of humiliation and fear of social and familial rejection. Women perceived a profound lack of knowledge about FGM from health providers and a lack of sensitive and empathetic care. Some women perceived threatening and disproportionate attitudes and reported negative experiences. Participants highlighted the importance of educating,raising awareness and improving prevention and detection strategies. The findings disclose the need to improve training and institutional plans to address structural and attitudinal barriers to health equity across migrant families in their host countries.From the 23 experiences collected,20 women had undergone FGM,of whom 14 had been mothers. The mean age of the men interviewed was 50 years,while that of the women was 31.8 years. All the participants came from countries affected by FGM: Mali, Somalia,Nigeria,Burkina Faso,Senegal and Cameroon,except for one participant who came from Equatorial Guinea and was included in the study since she had close contact and knowledge about FGM Geographical coverage Region(s):Southern Europe Country(ies):Spain Source

Female Genital Mutilation Continues in Guinea (2016)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Friedrich M. J. FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: None. Objective: Study Population: Findings: The report notes that relative to years past,FGM/E is being carried out on much younger girls,with 69% of women aged 20 to 24 years having undergone excision before 10 years of age. Traditionally groups of girls were excised together,but there has been an increase in private practices,such as individual excision and excision in infants,which may result from awareness campaigns and an increase in legal sanctions. Geographical coverage Region(s):Western Africa Country(ies):Guinea Source

Female genital mutilation Crossing the cultural and gender divides (2014)

This study is a Exploratory research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Nesrin Varol,Mousthapa Toure FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: None. Objective: To discuss FGM and overall prevelance across different cultures Study Population: Relied on articles Findings: The study concluded that FGM/C remained a difficult harmful practice to abandon,as it embodies culture,sexuality,female genitalia and religion,and the need to discuss all these in public and between men and women. Nevertheless,its prevalence and support were in decline and fewer girls are cut today than their grandmothers. With continuing international commitment and collaboration,we may see the end of FGM within a generation Geographical coverage Region(s):Not specified Country(ies):Not specified Source

Female genital mutilation cultural knowledge is the key to understanding (FGM) (2014)

This study is a Exploratory research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Ngara Carolyne Adhiambo FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: None. Objective: To enhance the global understanding of FGM/C,by guiding the graduate students of Osaka University through their Academic work,necessary for the completion of their thesis and or graduate studies. By taking a look at the FGM/C practice among the  pastoralists‟ communities of Kenya and discusses the harmful types of FGM/C procedures listed by (WHO) as the most common among the practicing communities. Finally,this study accesses the effect of FGM on affected women,taking into account the global impact on FGM practitioners,FGM advocates,anti-FGM activists and stakeholders. It also reviews the public declarations and legislations concerning FGM and other harmful traditional practices globally Study Population: Relied on articles Findings: The study concluded that even though FGM/C was recognized as a violation of human rights of girls and women are prohibited or outlawed in many countries,FGM/C was still prevalent and widely considered as a religious practice despite the health risks associated with it. Upholding rights of women,there was need for awareness and wide spread campaign against FGM and other insane,life-threatening customs performed in the name of upholding chastity and femininity. None-governmental organizations and other stakeholders need to ensure that women are sensitized in order to enable them to tackle such outdated practices and to help victims of FGM and protect those at risk in a holistic way. This paper recommends the use of sensitive and appropriate terminology as a key ingredient in engaging with pastoralists communities emotive and sensitive issues revolving around FGM. This way,the study concludes that communities will listen and take advice if they feel that they are being respected,empowered and not offended Geographical coverage Region(s):Eastern Africa Country(ies):Kenya Source

Female genital mutilation cutting (FGMC) coding capacities in Swiss university hospitals using the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) (2021)

This study is a Exploratory research,Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Cottler-Casanova,S.,Horowicz,M.,Gayet-Ageron,A.,& Abdulcadir,J. FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: None. Objective: The study assesses the number of inpatient women and girls in Swiss university hospitals from countries with high FGM/C prevalence,and of inpatients with a coded diagnosis of FGM/C. Study Population: applying the most recent FGM/C DHS and MICS prevalence figures for each year (for girls and women aged 15–49) from FGM/C practicing countries to the number of migrant women and girls living in Switzerland. We applied the total country prevalence estimates of women aged 15–49 to all migrant women and girls living in Switzerland from the same countries. We also conducted a separate analysis for girls aged 0–14, Findings: 8720 women and girls from FGM/C practicing countries were admitted. 207 patients had a coded diagnosis of FGM/C,including 7 with a nationality outside the 30 targeted countries,corresponding to an overall prevalence of 2.3% . The number of FGM/C cases by hospital was significantly different across years,with a higher proportion of cases collected in Geneva,Switzerland Geographical coverage Region(s):Western Europe Country(ies):Switzerland Source

Female Genital Mutilation- effects on women and young girls (2010)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Karhu Rose Kerubo FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: None. Objective: To introduce female genital mutilation to the field of social work and social services as one of the social problems that affects women and young girls who come from the developing countries Study Population: African women Findings: The research result indicated that female genital mutilation is not only a practice experienced by African communities anymore. Female genital mutilation has spread to other parts of the world and it has become a global issue through the increased rates of immigration and search for better living standards. The study also found out that FGM was a practice performed on the girls and women due to cultural beliefs that female genital mutilation (FGM) is used to signify a rite of passage from childhood to adulthood. To simplify that one is ready for marriage and other responsibilities that married women have,for instance taking care of the husband and bearing children. Other female genital mutilation consequences,which were revealed by the research,include the physical consequences,psychological consequences and social consequences,which occurred before and after the mutilation procedure. Geographical coverage Region(s):Northern Europe Country(ies):Finland Source

Female Genital Mutilation Experiences of Somali women living in Sweden (2013)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Farnoosh RezaeeAhan FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: None. Objective: To addresses this practice by looking at the different beliefs and experiences of Somali women living in a city x in Sweden Study Population: Somali women Findings: The research result indicated that female genital mutilation has spread out to other parts of the world through immigration in pursuit of better living standards and showed that the continuation of FGM tradition in new generations was not necessary and the overall result of the study was very straight forward: FGM should be eradicated and abolished from the tradition. This research focuses on consequences reveled during the research,including physical,psychological,social,and sexual effects. Geographical coverage Region(s):Northern Europe Country(ies):Sweden Source

Female genital mutilation from a forensic perspective as gender violence (2021)

This study is a Exploratory research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Quintero-Suarez,L  and  Garcia,L.E FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: None. Objective: The objective of this study was to interpret female genital mutilation (Ablation / FGM) (UNICEF,2005) as a practice of domination,considering the cases of Risaralda and north of Valle del Cauca on the period 2000-2018,to contribute to the forensic perspective regarding gender violence. Study Population: Not clear Findings:  The results of the interview application,contrasted with secondary information from medical-legal evaluations,allowed understanding the damage to life and health and the change in status that this practice represents for the Emberá people. It is concluded that the morbidity and mortality associated with this practice is a consequence of an asymmetric social stratification between the feminine and the masculine. The woman occupies a lower value stratum whose body and invisible sexuality are molded at the service of masculine privileges. Geographical coverage Region(s):Southern Europe Country(ies):Spain Source

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