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Defibulation to Treat Female Genital Cutting Effect on Symptoms and Sexual Function (2006)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding III FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Nour,Nawal M.,Karin B. Michels,and Ann E. Bryant FGM/C Type(s): III Health area of focus: Sexual. Objective: To study the physical and sexual outcomes after defibulation and evaluated both patient and husband satisfaction. Study Population: Consecutive women with a history of type III female genital cutting who underwent defibulation between 1995 and 2003 Findings: Of 40 women identified as having undergone defibulation,95% were Somali,65% were married,and 73% were between the ages of 19 and 30. Primary indications for defibulation were being pregnant (30%),dysmenorrhea (30%),apareunia (20%),and dyspareunia (15%). Secondary indications were apareunia (20%),difficulty urinating (12.5%),and dyspareunia (10%). Sixtyfive percent had a subcuticular repair. Forty-eight percent had an intact clitoris buried beneath the scar. None had intraoperative or postoperative complications. Of the 32 patients reached by telephone,94% stated they would highly recommend it to others. One hundred percent of patients and their husbands were satisfied with the results,felt their appearance had improved,and were sexually satisfied. Geographical coverage Region(s):North America Country(ies):United StateS Source

September 8, 2023

Deinfibulation for preventing or treating complications in women living with type III female genital mutilation: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. (2017)

This study is a Systematic Review regarding III FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Okusanya,B. O.,Oduwole,O.,Nwachuku,N.,& Meremikwu,M. M. FGM/C Type(s): III Health area of focus: deinfibulation. Objective: To assess the impact of deinfibulation on gynecologic or obstetric outcomes by comparing women who were deifibulated with women with type III FGM or women without FGM Study Population: Relied on articles Findings: The quality of evidence was very low. Compared with women with type III FGM at delivery,deinfibulated women had a significant reduction in the risk of having a cesarean delivery or postpartum hemorrhage. Compared with women without FGM,deinfibulated women had a similar risk of episiotomy,cesarean delivery,vaginal lacerations,postpartum hemorrhage,and blood loss at vaginal delivery. The length of second stage of labor,mean maternal hospital stay,and Apgar scores less than 7 were also comparable. Geographical coverage Region(s):Not specified Country(ies):Not specified Source

Delinking Female Genital Mutilation/ Cutting from Islam (2008)

This study is a Not specified regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Ibrahim Lethome Asmani,Maryam Sheikh Abdi FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: None. Objective: To delink FGM from islam Study Population: Not stated Findings: The teachings of Islam provide overwhelming evidence that FGM/C was not a religious practice and that Islam condemns it. Nevertheless,it is still supported by some Muslim communities as a religious practice,which has generated controversy among Muslims. Evidence cited from the Quran,the authentic sunnah (traditions),ijma’a (consensus of scholars) and qiyas (analogical deductions) in support of FGM/C,justify male circumcision,which is confirmed from the way of life (milat) of both Prophets Ibrahim and Muhammad (PBUT). There is nothing to prove that females were also circumcised during their lifetime. FGM/C is a cultural practice in communities that observe it,and it is wrong to associate Islam with such a harmful practice. Islam has clearly stipulated provisions for the protection of basic human rights and it upholds the sanctity of the human body. Any practice that violates these rights and causes harm to the human body without any justification is prohibited. Geographical coverage Region(s):Eastern Africa Country(ies):Kenya Source

Demographic perspectives of female genital mutilation (2016)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Mengjia Liang, Edilberto Loaiza, Nafissatou J. Diop, Berhanu Legesse  FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: None. Objective: To document the most relevant features of the practice of female genital mutilation (FGM) in 23 African and six Arab countries. The purpose of this paper is to provide a simple presentation of current levels; the main differences,according to background characteristics; and observed trends in the last 10-15 years. Considering past,current and future demographic dynamics helps identify possible scenarios for elimination Study Population: Relied on DHS datasets Findings: Demographic analysis of FGM/C demonstrated that it is a practice that occurs within specific socio-cultural parameters,such as place of residence,and reproductive health and status. Interventions focusing on abandonment should take into consideration gender inequalities,how manifest,exacerbating high fertility and very young populations Geographical coverage Region(s):Not specified Country(ies):Not specified Source

Demographic Predictors of Cultural Practices Regarding Female Genital Mutilation among Married Women in Ebonyi State,Nigeria (2021)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Omaka-Amari L. N.,Obande-Ogbuinya E. N.,Aleke C. O.,Eunice A. N.,Nwafor J. N.,Nwankwo O.,& Igwenyi P. I FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: None. Objective: This study investigated Female Genital Mutilation Practices and Associated Factors among Married Women in the Ebonyi State of Nigeria Study Population: Married Women in the Ebonyi State of Nigeria. Findings: The majority of the participants: aged 25-34 years (37.9%); Christians (76.3%); urban dwellers (50.2%); had tertiary education (36.4%); had 3-4 children (32.0%); and were in business (29.2%) respectively. The cultural practices regarding FGM among married women in Ebonyi State were high (60.5%). Also,the majority of the participants (67.7%) were circumcised. Age by birth,religious affiliation,location,level of education,number of children,and occupation were predictors of the cultural practice of FGM with obvious variations. There is no significant difference existed with respect to religious affiliation,level of education,number of children,and occupation (P-value>0.05) while the difference was observed on the age by birth and location (P-value

Determinants and Health Consequences of Female Genital Mutilation among Women of Child Bearing Age in Ife East Local Government Area of Osun State,Nigeria (2014)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Olubayo Fatiregun FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: None. Objective: To investigate the determinants of wellness and health consequences of female genital mutilation among women of child bearing (WCB) age in Ife east Local Government Area,Nigeria Study Population: Women of Child Bearing Age Findings: The result revealed that the research questions on educational factor and socio-cultural factors with 54.5% and 59.5% respectively were strong determinants of FGM while religious factors with 41% was less recognized as a determinant. The WCB with (55.5%) agree that the health consequences of FGM are numerous and of serious consequences to wellness of women Geographical coverage Region(s):Western Africa Country(ies):Nigeria Source

Determinants of coital frequency among married women in Central African Republic: the role of Female Genital Cutting (2002)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Holley  Stewart  , Linda  Morison, Richard  White   FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: None. Objective: To examine determinants of one aspect of sexual behaviour – coital frequency – among 2188 married women in the Central African Republic Study Population: Married women Findings: Decreased coital frequency was found in those who had longer duration of marriage,those who were not the most recent wife in a polygamous marriage and those who had more surviving children. Coital frequency was higher in more educated women and those not contracepting because they wanted to get pregnant. After adjusting for confounders no association between female genital cutting and coital frequency was found. The extent to which women can control coital frequency in this culture is not known and fertility desires may override any negative effects of circumcision on sexual pleasure Geographical coverage Region(s):Middle Africa Country(ies):Central African Republic Source

Determinants of Female Genital Mutilation Practices in East Gojjam Zone,Western Amhara,Ethiopia (2016)

This study is a Explanatory research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Andualem Mulusew FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: None. Objective: To identify determinant factors of female genital mutilation practices in East Gojjam Zone,Western Amhara,Ethiopia Study Population: Women aged 15-49 years and having children < 5 years old in September,2014 Findings: 718 women and 805 daughters participated in the study. FGM prevalence was 689 (96%) and 403 (49%)among women and daughters< 5 years of age,respectively. Type1 and type 2 FGMs were common and daughters

Determinants of support for female genital cutting among ever-married women in Egypt (2008)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Suzuki C,and Meekers D FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: None. Objective: To examine the effect of exposure to communication messages on support for female genital cutting (FGC) in Egypt Study Population: ever-married women aged 15-49 Findings: High levels of exposure to FGC-related media messages were essential in reducing support for FGC. Women exposed to two or more FGC media messages were 1.6 times more likely than unexposed women to support discontinuing FGC. Moreover,women’s belief that men want the practice discontinued,and their belief that FGC can cause fatal complications,were both positively associated with women’s support for discontinuing FGC. By contrast,women’s belief that FGC was an important part of religion,and their belief that FGC prevents adultery,were negatively associated with women’s support for discontinuing FGC. Almost identical factors affected women’s intention to circumcise their daughters. High exposure to FGC-related messages,and women’s belief that men wanted the practice discontinued,were negatively associated with the outcome. Women’s belief that FGC was an important part of religion,and their belief that FGC prevents adultery,were positively associated with it. Women’s belief that a husband prefered a circumcised wife was not associated with women’s intention to circumcise their daughters after controlling for all other variables in the model. Given that high level of exposure to FGC-related messages was key in reducing support for FGC,study recommended communication campaigns be continued and intensified with such campaigns also giving focus to change of men’s perception and support for the practice Geographical coverage Region(s):Northern Africa Country(ies):Egypt Source

Diagnoses and procedures of inpatients with female genital mutilation/cutting in Swiss University Hospitals: a cross-sectional study (2022)

This study is a Exploratory research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Horowicz,M.,Cottler-Casanova,S. & Abdulcadir,J FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: Health outcomes of women and girls with a coded FGM/C diagnose who had been admitted to Swiss university hospitals between 2016 and 2018. Objective: The authors conducted an exploratory descriptive study to identify the health outcomes of women and girls with a coded FGM/C diagnose who had been admitted to Swiss university hospitals between 2016 and 2018 Study Population: Women and girls with a coded FGM/C diagnose who had been admitted to Swiss university hospitals between 2016 and 2018 Findings: Between 2016 and 2018,207 inpatients had a condition/diagnosis of FGM/C. The majority (96%) were admitted either to gynaecology or obstetrics divisions with few genito-urinary and psychosexual conditions coded.Conclusions FGM/C coding capacities in Swiss university hospitals are low,and some complications of FGM/C are probably not diagnosed. Pregnancy and delivery represent key moments to identify and offer medical care to women and girls who live with FGM/C. Geographical coverage Region(s):Western Europe Country(ies):Switzerland Source

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