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Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting among the Wardei of Kenya: Practice,Effects,and Prospects for Alternative Rites of Passage (2016)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Sifuna Daniel N.,Okwach Abagi,and Nabiswa M. Wasike FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: . Objective: The study focused on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) with the aim of establishing the rationale,outcomes,and challenges it presents to the girls and their families,and whether there is scope for developing alternative rites of passage. Study Population: Wardei Findings: The study established that the major purpose of FGM/C among the Wardei was to control the initiates’ sexuality before marriage. It poses serious risks to their health,including the possibility of bleeding to death. The practice affects Wardei girls’ access to and participation in education as initiates normally take a long time to heal,and it also bestows on them a status superior to that of teachers who have not undergone circumcision. The study established that the Wardei community is willing to adapt or abandon their traditional practices as part of social change stemming from modernization and in response to international pressure. But eliminating FGM/C among the Wardei community would require comprehensive and sustained advocacy,sensitization,and public education by various groups,including religious and community leaders,government agencies,nongovernmental organizations,and community-based organizations. This intervention must target various groups—girls,boys,younger women,older women,and fathers—who have different perceptions of and interest in FGM/C. Geographical coverage Region(s):Eastern Africa Country(ies):Kenya Source

September 8, 2023

Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting among Women of Somali and Kurdish Origin in Finland (2016)

This study is a Exploratory research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Koukkula Mimmi,Ilmo Keskimäki,Päivikki Koponen,Mulki Mölsä,and Reija Klemetti FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: health effects. Objective: To explore the prevalence of FGM/C,the sociodemographic characteristics associated with it,and its health effects among women of Somali and Kurdish origin in Finland. Study Population: women of Somali and Kurdish origin in Finland Findings: The prevalence of FGM/C was 69 percent among those of Somali origin and 32 percent among those of Kurdish origin. Having no education and older age were significantly associated with FGM/C,as was marriage amongst women of Somali origin,and the practice of Islam among women of Kurdish origin. Reporting good self-perceived health was more common among women without FGM/C. Outpatient visits to medical doctors were less common among women of Somali origin with FGM/C,compared with women without FGM/C. About 26 percent of Somali origin and 39 percent of Kurdish origin women with FGM/C reported reproductive or other health problems because of FGM/C. Geographical coverage Region(s):Northern Europe Country(ies):Finland Source

Female genital mutilation/cutting and issues of sexuality in Egypt (2010)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Amel Fahmy,Mawaheb T El-Mouelhy,Ahmed R Ragab FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: Sexual. Objective: To investigate a deconstructed conception of sexuality in relationship to FGM/C,including the many issues assumed to shape women’s perception of sexuality,such as marriageability,gender roles,and views on masculinity and manhood. Study Population: 102 women and 99 men (qualitative data-FGDs and IDIs)-Community members,community leaders,religious leaders,health care providers Findings: The clitoris was perceived to be important to,and a source of,sexual desire rather than sexual pleasure. FGM/C was intended to reduce women’s sexual appetite and increase women’s chastity,but was generally not believed to reduce women’s sexual pleasure. Men and women framed sexual pleasure differently,however. While men,especially younger men,considered sexual satisfaction as a cornerstone of marital happiness,women considered themselves sexually satisfied if there was marital harmony and their socio-economic situation was satisfactory. However,sexual problems,including lack of pleasure in sex and sexual dissatisfaction,for whatever reasons,were widespread. Study concluded that political commitment was necessary to combat FGM/C and that legal measures has to be combined with comprehensive sexuality education,including on misconceptions about FGM/C. Geographical coverage Region(s):Northern Africa Country(ies):Egypt Source

Female genital mutilation/cutting and orgasm before and after surgical repair (2012)

This study is a Exploratory research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Paterson,Laurel QP,Seth N. Davis,Y. M. Binik FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: Orgasm. Objective: To evaluate the literature on: the orgasmic functioning of women with FGM/C whose clitorises have and have not been excised and; the effect of surgical repair on orgasm Study Population: A PubMed search was performed to identify all published studies of FGM/C that included an assessment of orgasm. While three of the seven FGM/C studies that included a control group found decreased orgasmic functioning in affected women Findings: While three of the seven FGM/C studies that included a control group found decreased orgasmic functioning in affected women,no study fully controlled for demographic differences between groups or separated the FGM/C group by clitoral integrity. The impact of FGM/C on orgasm therefore remains unknown; however,indirect evidence suggests that orgasm rates would be reduced in women who cannot engage in direct stimulation of the external clitoris. Surgical defibulation releases the infibulation scar and appears to improve global sexual functioning but not orgasm. Clitoral reconstructive surgery,which creates a new external clitoris,restores a more normal genital appearance,resolves pain at the excision site,and increases clitoral pleasure. One large study found that it enabled clitoral orgasm in approximately 40% of patients. Since rates of orgasm from all forms of stimulation (e.g.,vaginal) were not assessed,it is unclear for how many women an external clitoris is necessary for orgasm. Geographical coverage Region(s):Not specified Country(ies):Not specified Source

Female genital mutilation/cutting and the communicative interface between non-government organizations and the state/policy in Egypt. (2017)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Galal,A.,Khan,S.,Deturk,S.,& Rojas,V. FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: N/A. Objective: To assess the communicative interface between the civil society organizations and the state in Egypt in the context of FGM/C. Study Population: Governmemnt and non profit officials Findings: The marriage between the state and religion is one of the key factors perpetuating an ambiguous and ambivalent stance in regards to FGM/C in Egypt Geographical coverage Region(s):Northern Africa Country(ies):Egypt Source

Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting and the Occurrences of Birth Complications Among Women of Reproductive Age in Gewane Woreda,Afar Regional State,Ethiopia (2018)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Chuluko,B. G.,& Abeya,S. G. FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: None. Objective: This study aimed to assess the magnitude,associated factors and birth outcomes of FGM/C among women of reproductive age groups (15-49 years) in Gewane,Woreda from July 4 to 17,2016 Study Population: Women of reproductive age Findings: The prevalence of FGM/C among childbearing women was 90.8%. Infibulations (WHO Type III) was the predominantly (86.1%) practiced type of FGM/C. Higher age,Afar Ethnic group,and literate were factors significantly associated with FGM/C. A statistically significant association was found between FGM/C and perineal lacerations,episiotomy,postpartum complications,postpartum hemorrhage,wound infection,and stillbirth. FGM/C was highly prevalent in the study area. Infibulation,WHO Type III was the most severe form of FGM/C widely practiced. Age,ethnicity and literacy were associated with FGM/C. Women with Type III FGM/C was at higher risk of having birth and postpartum complications. Education,culturally sound community awareness raising programs,and enforcing legislation are recommended to reduce the adverse outcomes associated with FGM/C. Geographical coverage Region(s):Eastern Africa Country(ies):Ethiopia Source

Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting Education for Midwives and Nurses as Informed by Women’s Experiences: Protocol for an Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods Study (2021)

This study is a Exploratory research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Diaz MP, Steen M, Brown A, Fleet J, Williams J FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: The development of an educational program for midwives and nurses on the health and cultural needs of women with FGM/C. Objective: This study aims to explore the impact of an FGM/C education program for midwives and nurses as informed by the experiences of women with FGM/C accessing maternity,gynecological,and sexual health services in South Australia. Study Population: Women with FGMC Expereince Findings: Phase 1 will commence in August 2021,with the interpretation of findings being undertaken by November 2021. Phase 2 will be developed and facilitated by February 2022,and the final phase of this study will begin in March 2022. This study is expected to be completed by February 2023.Conclusions:The findings of this research will provide insight into the development and evaluation of education programs for midwives and nurses that includes collaboration with women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds to address the specific cultural and health needs of communities. Geographical coverage Region(s):Not specified Country(ies):Not specified Source

Female genital mutilation/cutting in Africa (2016)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Odukogbe,A. T. A.,Afolabi,B. B.,Bello,O. O.,& Adeyanju,A. S. FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: None. Objective: The study aimed to give an overview of the female genitale mutilation/Cutting in Africa Study Population: Relied on articles Findings: FGM/C is common in Africa with varying prevalence in different countries,though the incidence is reducing because it is considered a human rights issue with tremendous advocacy for its elimination by mainly nongovernmental organizations. It is mainly underreported in many countries in Africa especially where it has been declared illegal. FGM/C is often performed by a nonmedical practitioner with the aim of fulfilling religious or cultural rites and sometimes for economic benefits with the resultant acute,intermediate and late complications. It is sometimes performed by medical practitioners when it is speciously believed that its medicalization reduces the complications associated with the practice. The sensitivity of FGM/C is amplified when compared to male circumcision and voluntary alterations of the female external genitalia like piercing and tattooing as similar practices. The magnitude of the physical and psychosocial consequences of FGM/C outweighs the presumed benefits of the procedures highlighting the need for improvement of the multiple preventive measures by all the stakeholders and in all the sectors. Geographical coverage Region(s):Not specified Country(ies):Not specified Source

Female genital mutilation/cutting in Africa. (2017)

This study is a Systematic Review regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Odukogbe,A. T. A.,Afolabi,B. B.,Bello,O. O.,& Adeyanju,A. S. FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: None. Objective: To review the status of female genital mutilation/cutting in Africa (Own interpretation) Study Population: Relied on articles Findings: The magnitude of the physical and psychosocial consequences of FGM/C outweighs the presumed benefits of the procedures highlighting the need for improvement of the multiple preventive measures by all the stakeholders and in all the sectors Geographical coverage Region(s):Not specified Country(ies):Not specified Source

Female genital mutilation/Cutting in Basse-Casamance (Senegal): Multiple voices from a plural South (2018)

This study is a Exploratory research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Tomas,J.,Kaplan,A.,& Le Charles,M. A. FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: None. Objective: The main objective of this study was to gather different narratives of the practice of female genital mutilation or cutting (FGM/C),in the Basse-Casamance region of Senegal. Study Population: Teachers,health professionals,representatives of the administration,members of NGOs,students,civic leaders and leaders of religious associations,and senior circumsisers. Findings: As a result of being made aware of the many difficulties or their own personal experiences,several women and men have altered their attitudes,and even some circumcisers have ceased doing the practice. However,many others continue to believe that excision and initiation are necessary for full participation in the local community as a woman with full rights. In order to escape legal prosecution,the ceremonial phases have been altered,and circumcision is now performed at a very young age. On the one hand,this underscores the vital role women play in validating ethnic and gender identities through the continuation of the practice. In contrast to the strong influence of the traditional society,the lack of confidence of the local population in government policies and,by extension,in the government itself,as well as in the involved NGOs,enables and necessitates women’s participation in an organization and an operation that they perceive as being more necessary,useful,and relevant. Geographical coverage Region(s):Western Africa Country(ies):Senegal Source

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