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Female Fenital Mutilation among Yakan in Basilan,Philippines (2008)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Sittinurussamsi A. Calsalin FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: None. Objective: Examines the practice of FGM among the Muslim Yakan population on Basilan in the Southern Phillipines. Study Population: Men and women Findings: Interviewees were several men and women in one community,including three women performing FGM and five religious leaders. The interviewer also attended a ceremony. In Basilan,the act is seen as a rite of passage for girls,all persons interviewed stated that it is religiously obligatory. The Yakan use the method of scrabbing the labia majora with an unpointed knife. Bleeding – and that means “cutting” – is not intended Geographical coverage Region(s):Southeastern Asia Country(ies):Philippines Source

September 8, 2023

Female Fenital Mutilation in Syria? An enquiry into the existence of FGM in Syria (2016)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Diana Geraci,Jaqueline Muslders FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: None. Objective: To verify or falsify rumors and anecdotal evidence about the existence of FGM in Syria  Study Population: Refugees,midwives,gynecologists and NGOs Findings: Considering all the gathered information,at that moment we saw no need to add Syria to the list of countries where FGM is practiced. This does not mean we conclude FGM does not exist in Syria. To uncover the practice of FGM demands close collaboration with civil society structures and NGO’s on the ground. We hope this research contributes to a relatively new field of study and provides an entry point for further research activities in the Middle East. Geographical coverage Region(s):Western Asia Country(ies):Syria Source

Female genital circumcision: medical and cultural considerations (2003)

This study is a Exploratory research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Little CM FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: None. Objective: Address the incidence of FC and FGM,the historical background,the procedure,the medical complications and cultural considerations. Legal and ethical issues of FGM will also be discussed. Study Population: Findings: Geographical coverage Region(s):Not specified Country(ies):Not specified Source

Female genital circumcision: social indicators that influence attitudes on abandonment of FGC in Nigeria (2011)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Eisele Joanna FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: None. Objective: To understand and predict attitudes towards FGM/C Study Population: Women,Men Findings: The study findings were that the strongest predictor of a woman‟s attitude towards FGM/C was whether she herself has undergone the procedure. Women who had undergone FGC will likely support the continuation of the practice. Men did not report lower levels of support for FGC than women. However,the differences between the sexes were not very large. As educational levels increase levels of support for FGC dramatically decrease. There was little difference found between the sexes,as increases in education significantly reduced support for FGC for both women and men. Older women had lower levels of support for FGM/C than younger women. The findings suggested that the effect of media on attitudes was not clear cut Geographical coverage Region(s):Western Africa Country(ies):Nigeria Source

Female Genital Cut in Relation to Its Value and Health Risks among the Kisii of Western Kenya (2014)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Pauline G. Okemwa,Harrison M. K. Maithya,David O. Ayuku FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: health risk of FGM among the Ksii. Objective: To establish the value of female genital cut as well as the health risks associated with the practice among the Kisii community of western Kenya Study Population: The kisii people Findings: The Kisii considered female genital cut a cultural identifier inherited from past generations and whose main value is a rite of passage from girlhood to womanhood. Majority (63%) had heard of the health risks associated with female genital cut including transmission of infections,excessive bleeding and pain. But most of the community did not seem to know the long-term health consequences associated with female genital cut. Even though knowledge on the campaigns to eradicate the practice was found to be wide spread,the community’s response toward the campaigns was less than positive Geographical coverage Region(s):Eastern Africa Country(ies):Kenya Source

Female genital cutting (2009)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Liette Perron,Vyta Senikas,Margaret Burnett,Victoria Davis FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: None. Objective: To strengthen the national framework for care of adolescents and women affected by female genital cutting (FGC) in Canada by providing health care professionals with: (1) information intended to strengthen their knowledge and understanding of the practice; (2) directions with regard to the legal issues related to the practice; (3) clinical guidelines for the management of obstetric and gynaecological care,including FGC related complications; and (4) guidance on the provision of culturally competent care to adolescents and women with FGC. Study Population: Relied on articles Findings: The study concluded that effective communication wass considered paramount in the provision of culturally competent care to women with FGM/C and their families. Not only would it ensure that women have access to the information needed to make an informed choice about their health and the care they need,but it will also enhance their care experience and may positively influence their “perceptions of themselves,their bodies and their decision to seek future health care. The health care professional in interaction with a woman with FGM/C should determine how the woman refers to the practice and then,use the woman’s choice of terminology throughout care Geographical coverage Region(s):North America Country(ies):Canada Source

Female Genital Cutting (2006)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Susan P. Porterfield FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: N/A. Objective:  This article examines cutting and looks at the historical background,types of cuttings,prevalence,and why the practice continues. Study Population: not stated Findings: Not stated Geographical coverage Region(s):Not specified Country(ies):Not specified Source

Female Genital Cutting (FGC) and the ethics of care: community engagement and cultural sensitivity at the interface of migration experiences (2014)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Bilkis Vissandjée,Shereen Denetto,Paula Migliardi and Jodi Proctor FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: None. Objective: To examine the necessity of community engagement and cultural sensitivity at the interface of migration experiences Study Population: Not stated Findings: The examples provided converge with the literature confirming the utmost necessity to engage with the FGC practicing communities allowing for ethically sensitive strategies,reduction of harm in relation to systems of care,and prevention of the risk of systematic gendered stigmatization. A culturally competent,gender and ethically sensitive approach is argued for to ensure the provision of quality ethical care for migrant families in host countries. We argue that socio-cultural determinants such as ethnicity,migration,sex and gender need to be accounted for as integral to the social construction of FGC. Geographical coverage Region(s):Not specified Country(ies):Not specified Source

Female Genital Cutting (FGC) as a tool to control female sexual desire among the Somali community in Kenya (2005)

This study is a Exploratory research regarding III FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Sheikh Maryam FGM/C Type(s): III Health area of focus: Sexual. Objective: To document reasons used by the Somali community to justify continuation of FGC in relation to female sexuality Study Population: Not stated Findings: The Somali community perceived FGM/C as a critical component of their culture to control female sexual desires and a tool for fostering family honour. The sample community believed FGM/C preserved female virginity,maintains female monogamy during marriage and increases male sexual pleasure. FGM/C was thought to decrease sexual desire in female during and before marriage. Sexually pure women are believed to be fulfilling Islamic obligation and are eligible for marriage,bringing honour to their family Geographical coverage Region(s):Eastern Africa Country(ies):Kenya Source

Female Genital Cutting (FGC): An investigation into its implications on the attitudes and performance of school girls in Eastern Sierra Leone (2013)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Johnson Adlyn O,Johnson Adolphus J FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: None. Objective: To investigate the attitudes adolescent school girls hold to FGC which is widely practiced in the Eastern Province of Sierra Leone,which is the study area Study Population: Dolescent school girls Findings: The results of the study showed that girls have a positive attitude to this practice; contrary to the views of international organizations that the practice will soon be eradicated. It was also discovered that the age of FGC is getting lower and that it is parents who are making the decisions for these girls. Statistic also inferred that there is a significant relationship between attitude to FGC and performance of school girls. Much more sensitization has to be done if this practice which is against the Child Rights Bill which is based on the Convention of the Rights of the Child is to be eradicated. – See more at: Geographical coverage Region(s):Western Africa Country(ies):Sierra Leone Source

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