Obstetric care at the intersection of science and culture: Swedish doctors’ perspectives on obstetric care of women who have undergone female genital cutting (2010)

This study is a Exploratory research regarding III FGM/C with the following characteristics:

Author(s): Widmark C,Levál A,Tishelman C,Ahlberg BM
FGM/C Type(s): III
Health area of focus: Obstetrics.

Objective: To explore how Swedish doctors care for women with FGM,explain and reason about their care and relevant policies in a Swedish context given that women affected by FGM/C might require special obstetric care,including an anterior episiotomy (defibulation) for infibulated women
Study Population: Chief/senior Obstetricians,Senior House Officers
Findings: There was little consensus among the interviewed doctors on what constitutes good obstetric care for women with FGC or how care should be provided. Major problems include: inconsistent policy and praxis; uncoordinated care trajectories; diffuse professional role responsibilities; difficulties in monitoring labour and fetal status; and inhibited communication. The data highlight the need for increased awareness and reflective praxis both on the part of individual practitioners,and on an organisational level,which takes account of the special needs of different users

Geographical coverage
Region(s):Northern Europe


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