Lived experiences and opinions of women of sub-Saharan origin on female genital mutilation: A phenomenological study (2022)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics:

Author(s): Martínez-Linares,J. M., López-Entrambasaguas,O. M., Fernández-Medina,I. M., Berthe-Kone,O., Fernández-Sola,C., Jiménez-Lasserrotte,M. D. M., Hernández-Padilla,J. M.,& Canet-Vélez,O
FGM/C Type(s): All
Health area of focus: None.

Objective: This study aimed to describe and understand the lived experiences and opinions of sub-Saharan women living in Spain in relation to female genital mutilation.
Study Population: sub-Saharan women living in Spain
Findings: Two themes with four subthemes were identified from the data analysis: 1) ‘The traumatic experience of female circumcision’ with the subthemes ‘Female mutilation is a physical and psychological torture procedure’ and ‘recognising and coping with negative emotions’; 2) ‘The fight for the eradication of female genital mutilation’ which contains the subthemes ‘the need for a real sociocultural change at the origin’ and ‘“I want to be the last”: Personal development leads to sociocultural change’.Conclusions
Female genital mutilation was experienced by women as a very aggressive and traumatic event. It causes considerable negative emotions that last over time. Although there is a tendency to reject the practice,in women’s countries of origin,there is social pressure for girls to be mutilated.Relevance to clinical practice
Caring for women who have suffered from female genital mutilation requires awareness of the traumatic experience they underwent when they were girls. Healthcare professionals play a crucial role in eradicating female genital mutilation. Apart from education,preventive measures may include specific recommendations when girls are travelling to the country of origin and participatory action research.What does this paper contribute to the wider global clinical community?
Female genital mutilation/cutting constitutes a traumatic experience that conditions the quality of life of women who suffer it. Stress,pain,sexual dissatisfaction and identity issues are regularly reported.
Education of men and women is the foundation of activism against female genital mutilation.

Geographical coverage
Region(s):Southern Europe


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