Female genital mutilation of a karyotypic male presenting as a female with delayed puberty (2006)

This study is a Exploratory research regarding IV FGM/C with the following characteristics:

Author(s): Ellaithi M,Nilsson T,Gisselsson D,Elagib A,Eltigani H,Fadl-Elmula I
FGM/C Type(s): IV
Health area of focus: Gynaecological.

Objective: To report the case of a patient who underwent FGM in childhood
Study Population: A 21-year-old Sudanese patient,socially assigned as female,was referred from her gynaecologist as a case of delayed puberty for chromosomal analysis. The patient was born in one of the small towns in the centre of Sudan. A midwife decided the sex as female at the time of birth. Thus,she was given a female name and raised as a female
Findings: The patient underwent type IV FGM (Pharaonic circumcision) at an early age. This might have limited the possibility of clinical assessment,although the configuration of the external genitalia is not always essential for a correct diagnosis,as over-masculinized female pseudohermaphrodites can be similar to under-masculinized male pseudohermaphrodites

Geographical coverage
Region(s):Northern Africa


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