Female genital mutilation/cutting type IV in Cambodia: a case report (2015)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding IV FGM/C with the following characteristics:

Author(s): Abdulcadir J, Irion O, de Tejada BM
FGM/C Type(s): IV
Health area of focus: psychophysical,Gynaecological,sexual.

Objective: To report a new form of FGM/C type IV,performed by a surgeon in a country where FGM/C have never been reported before; to present the management and counseling of the patient,and to discuss the definition of FGCS,FGM/C,medicalization,and autonomous and informed consent to the practices
Study Population: A woman from Cambodia who presented herself in a Switzerland with type IV FGM
Findings: The patient delivered vaginally at term without any feto-maternal complications and with no perineal tear after inferior defibulation was performed during the first stage of labor,under loco regional anesthesia. The labia minora were reconstructed with simple separated stiches of Vycril 3.0,Ethicon. Delivery and postpartum follow-up were uneventful. After 6 weeks postpartum check-up,the woman,reported to be very satisfied with the care and follow-up received,and with the new genitals’ appearance. She had restarted sexual intercourses with no pain.

Geographical coverage
Region(s):Southeastern Asia


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