Female genital mutilation: a midwife’s experience (2001)

This study is a Exploratory research regarding III FGM/C with the following characteristics:

Author(s): Parkin Julie
FGM/C Type(s): III
Health area of focus: None.

Objective: To account the reflections that were made by the author after providing care for the first time,to an infibulated woman and the general issues raised by the knowledge gained
Study Population: Women
Findings: The author concludes by stating that it was optimistic but naıve for nurses and midwives to expect FGM/C will die out as women are exposed to Western mores; indeed,there were signs of reinforcement of entrenched gender division in some segments of migrant communities. By turning a blind eye to the issue,practitioners unwittingly perpetuated discrimination against girls of specific ethnic origin. Nurses must prioritize safety over cultural sensitivity,and this requires a more sophisticated understanding of ethical dilemmas in a multicultural society. Equality and diversity are often presented as complementary values,but sometimes they are in conflict

Geographical coverage
Region(s):Not specified
Country(ies):Not specified


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