Exploring barriers to seeking health care among Kenyan Somali women with female genital mutilation: a qualitative study (2020)

This study is a Exploratory research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics:

Author(s): S Kimani
FGM/C Type(s): All
Health area of focus: gynaecological.

Objective: to explore barriers to care seeking among Somali women with complications related to FGM/C in public health facilities in Kenya.
Study Population: women aged 15-49 years,their partners,community leaders,and health providers.
Findings: Women living with FGM/C were reported to experience complications related to the cutting that required medical interventions. However,most of them were noted to present to the health facility when it was rather late,while some did not seek care at all resulting in high morbidity and mortality. Participants identified nine key barriers (sub-themes) to seeking health care for FGM/Crelated complications

Geographical coverage
Region(s):Eastern Africa


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