Delinking Female Genital Mutilation/ Cutting from Islam (2008)

This study is a Not specified regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics:

Author(s): Ibrahim Lethome Asmani,Maryam Sheikh Abdi
FGM/C Type(s): All
Health area of focus: None.

Objective: To delink FGM from islam
Study Population: Not stated
Findings: The teachings of Islam provide overwhelming evidence that FGM/C was not a religious practice and that Islam condemns it. Nevertheless,it is still supported by some Muslim communities as a religious practice,which has generated controversy among Muslims. Evidence cited from the Quran,the authentic sunnah (traditions),ijma’a (consensus of scholars) and qiyas (analogical deductions) in support of FGM/C,justify male circumcision,which is confirmed from the way of life (milat) of both Prophets Ibrahim and Muhammad (PBUT). There is nothing to prove that females were also circumcised during their lifetime. FGM/C is a cultural practice in communities that observe it,and it is wrong to associate Islam with such a harmful practice. Islam has clearly stipulated provisions for the protection of basic human rights and it upholds the sanctity of the human body. Any practice that violates these rights and causes harm to the human body without any justification is prohibited.

Geographical coverage
Region(s):Eastern Africa


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