Cultural explanations and procedures about female genital mutilation (2015)

This study is a Exploratory research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics:

Author(s): Ogunsiji,Olayide,and Lesley Wilkes
FGM/C Type(s): All
Health area of focus: None.

Objective: To gain insight into the cultural issues that inform FGM and the associated procedures will empower nurses,midwives and other health providers in Australia and other western countries in educating affected women and girls against the practice. This will contribute to the global effort at eradicating the practice.
Study Population: African migrant
Findings: Findings revealed that female circumcision is a cultural practice passed on from one generation to the other. The women in the study stated that Africans believe that girls that are not circumcised will be promiscuous and may not get husbands to marry. They further stated that it is a thing of great shame for the family of a married woman who is not found to be a virgin on the day of marriage. The participating women stated that rather than inflicting harm on their girls,Africans believe that they are preparing their daughters for marriage. The procedures according to the women used to be attended with crude instruments such as razor blade and broken glass while the legs of the girl to be circumcised are held wide open. While some of these findings have been reported in some literature,empirical studies in Australia with these findings are lacking

Geographical coverage
Region(s):Australia and New Zealand


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