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Adolescent girls’ attitudes toward female genital mutilation: A study in seven African countries (2018)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Biswas,A.,Dalal,K.,Kalmatayeva,Z.,Mandal,S.,Ussatayeva,G.,& Lee,M. S. FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: N/A. Objective: The study’s aim is to examine adolescent girls’ attitudes toward the continuation or discontinuation of female genital mutilation (FGM) in association with their demographics in seven different countries in Africa. Study Population: Adoleacents aged 15-19 years Findings: Prevalence of supporting the continuation of FGM among adolescent girls was in Egypt 58%,Guinea 63%,Kenya 16%,Mali 72%,Niger 3%,Senegal 23%,and Sierra Leone 52%. Being Muslim and having low economic status were significantly associated with supporting the continuation of FGM in five of the participating countries. Girls having no education or only primary education in Guinea,Kenya,Mali and Sierra Leone exhibited a higher likelihood of supporting FGM than girls with secondary or higher education. In Egypt,Niger and Senegal there was no association between education and supporting FGM. The girls who stated that they had no exposure to media showed the higher likelihood of supporting FGM in Guinea,Kenya,and Senegal than those with exposure to media. Geographical coverage Region(s):Western Africa,Eastern Africa,Northern Africa Country(ies):Egypt,Guinea,Kenya,Mali,Niger,Senegal,Sierra Leone Source

September 8, 2023

Adolescent girls’ attitudes toward female genital mutilation: a study in seven African countries [version 1; referees: 2 approved,1 not approved] (2018)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Biswas,A.,Dalal,K.,Kalmatayeva,Z.,Mandal,S.,Ussatayeva,G.,& Lee,M. S. FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: None. Objective: The study aimed to examine adolescent girls’ attitudes toward the continuation or discontinuation of female genital mutilation (FGM) in association with their demographics in seven different countries in Africa. Study Population: Relied on DHS,Adolescent girls (15–19 years) Findings: In Egypt,58% of adolescent girls supported the continuation of FGM,as did 63% of adolescents in Guinea,16% of adolescents in Kenya,72% of adolescents in Mali,3% of adolescents in Niger,23% of adolescents in Senegal,and 52% of adolescents in Sierra Leone. In five of the participating countries,being Muslim and having a poor socioeconomic status were substantially related with support for the continuation of FGM. In Guinea,Kenya,Mali,and Sierra Leone,females with no or only primary school were more likely to support FGM than those with secondary or higher education. In Egypt,Niger,and Senegal,there was no correlation between education and support for female genital mutilation (FGM). In Guinea,Kenya,and Senegal,girls with no media exposure were more likely to endorse female genital mutilation (FGM) than girls with media exposure. The study showed that boosting media coverage and education,as well as lowering poverty,are crucial for changing the opinions of adolescent girls in favor of ending FGM. Geographical coverage Region(s):Western Africa,Eastern Africa,Northern Africa Country(ies):Egypt,Guinea,Kenya,Mali,Niger,Senegal,Sierra Leone Source

Adult recall of childhood female genital cutting and perceptions of its effects: a pilot study for service improvement and research feasibility (2013)

This study is a Exploratory research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Liao LM,Elliott C,Ahmed F,Creighton SM FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: Psychosocial and psychosexual. Objective: This study aimed to gather information from service users of an African Women’s Clinic for the purposes of planning service improvement and estimating research feasibility Study Population: Somali speaking women Findings: A high percentage of clinic attendees responded positively to the invitation to participate in research. They willingly discussed their experiences of FGM and expressed their negative viewpoints about the practice of FGM,suggesting that psychosocial and psychosexual research may be feasibly carried out in specialist contexts. The results also point to the need for psychological and educational input for service improvement. Geographical coverage Region(s):Not specified Country(ies):Not specified Source

African church leaders oppose Female Genital Mutilation in hospitals (2015)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Nzwili F FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: Afrcan leaders oppose FGM in hospital. Objective: To escalate campaigns against female genital mutilation now that girls are checking into hospitals to have the procedure. Study Population: Girls Findings: International rights groups,churches,and activists are escalating campaigns against female genital mutilation now that girls are checking into hospitals to have the procedure. Geographical coverage Region(s):Not specified Country(ies):Not specified Source

African immigrant women in the United States: perceptions on female circumcision and policies that outlaw the practice (2013)

This study is a Exploratory research regarding I,III FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Deason Lucinda,Githiora Rosa FGM/C Type(s): I,III Health area of focus: None. Objective: To gain an understanding of African immigrant women‟s views on FGM/C and policies that outlaw the practice,and 2) to provide new insights and identify effective strategies for improving compliance with anti-FGM/C laws Study Population: Women Findings: The results indicated that the participants want to eradicate FGM/C; yet some of them vacillated between eradication of FGM/C and participation in the practice Geographical coverage Region(s):North America Country(ies):United States Source

African,male attitudes on female genital mutilation: an Australian survey. (2017)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Shahid,U.,& Rane,A. FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: None. Objective: To establish views of Sub-Saharan African,migrant males residing in Townsville,Australia have on FGM. Study Population: Migrant males on Townsville Austrailia Findings: This study examined the attitudes of a young,Sub-Saharan African,migrant,male cohort residing in Australia. This adds to the literature base by establishing the perceptions and associated socio-demographic variables of this unique and influential subset of the migrant population. This directly facilitates the development of interventional strategies against FGM by highlighting those most likely to have an attitudinal support in favour of FGM. Consequentially,this ‘at risk’ group can be more effectively focussed on interventional programmes and be further investigated in larger scale studies. Geographical coverage Region(s):Australia and New Zealand Country(ies):Australia Source

Against: Labiaplasty is an unnecessary cosmetic procedure (2014)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding IV FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Sarah Creighton FGM/C Type(s): IV Health area of focus: None. Objective: To discuss the necessity and un-necessity of Labiaplasty Study Population: Women seeking Labiaplasty Findings: Labiaplasty is an unnecessary cosmetic procedure that does not address the underlying social reasons that give rise to female body insecurities. Instead of joining the band wagon,it is in doctors’ gift to make a real societal contribution by educating the world about the diversity of vulval appearance and its compatibility with psychological and sexual health and wellness Geographical coverage Region(s):Not specified Country(ies):Not specified Source

All in the family: Explaining the persistence of female genital cutting in West Africa (2015)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Marc F. Bellemare,Lindsey Novak,Tara L. Steinmetz FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: None. Objective: To study the persistence of FGC—proxied for by whether survey respondents are in favor of the practice continuing—in West Africa Study Population: women aged 15 to 49 in 13 West African countries for the period 1995–2013 Findings: The data exhibited sufficient within-household variation to allow controlling for the unobserved heterogeneity between households,which in turn allowed determining how much variation was due to factors at the levels of the individual,household,village,and beyond. Study results indicated that on average,87% of the variation in FGC persistence could be attributed to household- and individual-level factors,with contributions from those levels of variation ranging from 71% in Nigeria in 2011 to 93% in Burkina Faso in 2006. Results also suggested that once invariant factors across women aged 15 to 49 in the same household were accounted for,women who reported having undergone FGC in West Africa were on average 16 percentage points more likely to be in favor of the practice Geographical coverage Region(s):Not specified Country(ies):Not specified Source

Alternative Rites of Passage as a Means of Eradication of FGM Among the Maa Community of Laikipia County,Kenya (2018)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Gideon Ayodo FGM/C Type(s): All Health area of focus: N/A. Objective: To investigate the efectveness of alternative rites of passgae in the prevention of FGM among the Maa community in Laikipia County,Kenya Study Population: Maa speaking population in Laikipia Country Findings: ARP sometomes resulted in hiding the practice of FGM,even though community leaders play an important role in influencing the community to embrace ARP Geographical coverage Region(s):Eastern Africa Country(ies):Kenya Source

An analysis of the content and clinical implications of online advertisements for female genital cosmetic surgery (2012)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding IV FGM/C with the following characteristics: Author(s): Lih-Mei Liao, Neda Taghinejadi,and Sarah M Creighton FGM/C Type(s): IV Health area of focus: None. Objective: To examine the breadth,depth and quality of clinical information communicated to women on 10 popular sites (giving information on female genital cosmetic surgery (FGCS)) and to discuss the implications of the results. Study Population: Online advertisement from 10 private providers that offer FGCS procedures Findings: Female genital cosmetic surgery (FGCS) procedures were presented on all of the provider websites as an effective treatment for genital appearance concerns. No explanation for presenting clinical complaints was found. There was scanty reference to appearance diversity. Only minimal scientific information on outcomes or risks could be identified. There was no mention of potential alternative ways for managing appearance concerns or body dissatisfaction. Study concluded that the quality and quantity of clinical information in FGCS provider sites was poor,with erroneous information in some instances. Impeccable professionalism and ethical integrity was crucial for this controversial practice. Clear and detailed guidelines on how to raise the standard of information to women on all aspects of FGCS was urgently needed. Geographical coverage Region(s):Northern Europe,North America Country(ies):United States,United Kingdom Source

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