Female genital mutilation/cutting and issues of sexuality in Egypt (2010)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics:

Author(s): Amel Fahmy,Mawaheb T El-Mouelhy,Ahmed R Ragab
FGM/C Type(s): All
Health area of focus: Sexual.

Objective: To investigate a deconstructed conception of sexuality in relationship to FGM/C,including the many issues assumed to shape women’s perception of sexuality,such as marriageability,gender roles,and views on masculinity and manhood.
Study Population: 102 women and 99 men (qualitative data-FGDs and IDIs)-Community members,community leaders,religious leaders,health care providers
Findings: The clitoris was perceived to be important to,and a source of,sexual desire rather than sexual pleasure. FGM/C was intended to reduce women’s sexual appetite and increase women’s chastity,but was generally not believed to reduce women’s sexual pleasure. Men and women framed sexual pleasure differently,however. While men,especially younger men,considered sexual satisfaction as a cornerstone of marital happiness,women considered themselves sexually satisfied if there was marital harmony and their socio-economic situation was satisfactory. However,sexual problems,including lack of pleasure in sex and sexual dissatisfaction,for whatever reasons,were widespread. Study concluded that political commitment was necessary to combat FGM/C and that legal measures has to be combined with comprehensive sexuality education,including on misconceptions about FGM/C.

Geographical coverage
Region(s):Northern Africa


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