Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting across Africa: Dynamics of Change and Socioeconomic Variation (2020)

This study is a Explanatory research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics:

Author(s): E Batyra,B Wilson,E Coast ,V Cetorelli
FGM/C Type(s): All
Health area of focus: None.

Objective: to compare and contrast long-term trends in FGM/C prevalence across 23 African countries. It extends understanding by estimating absolute and relative long-term cohort trends in FGM/C prevalence – by education and rural/urban residence – using harmonised data that are comparable across 4 all 23 countries.
Study Population: women
Findings: FGM/C prevalence has declined fastest (in relative terms) in countries with lower initial prevalence,and more slowly in countries with higher initial prevalence. Although bettereducated women and those living in urban areas tend to have lower prevalence,in some countries the opposite pattern is observed. Socioeconomic differentials in FGM/C have grown in the majority of countries,particularly in countries with moderate-to-higher overall prevalence

Geographical coverage
Region(s):Not specified
Country(ies):Not specified


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