Female Genital Mutilation in England and Wales: Updated statistical estimates of the numbers of affected women living in England and Wales and girls at risk (2014)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics:

Author(s): Efua Dorkenoo,Alison Macfarlane
FGM/C Type(s): All
Health area of focus: None.

Objective: To use data from surveys in FGM practising countries and from other sources to derive updated proxy estimates of the prevalence of FGM among women born in the FGM practising countries and among their daughters. To apply these to data collected at birth registration in England and Wales to produce updated and more reliable estimates of: Numbers of women with FGM living in England and Wales and in each local authority area giving birth each year from 2000 to 2011. And Numbers of daughters born to women born in FGM-practising countries resident in England and Wales and in each local authority area and numbers at risk of FGM.
Study Population: To derive these estimates,data about the prevalence of FGM were derived from reports of
household interview surveys in the countries in which it is practised. Demographic data about
women born in these countries and girls born to them were derived from the 2011 census and from
birth registration.
Findings: This interim report shows that the numbers of women with FGM have increased since 2001,especially due to migration from countries in conflict. The substantial proportion of the increase which is among women from countries where FGM is nearly universal or prevalence is very high supports the need for action. Recommendations for urgent action have been set out in the recent report from the House of Commons Home Affairs Select Committee and in the Intercollegiate recommendations for identifying,recording and reporting FGM,set out in the report Tackling FGM in the UK.

Geographical coverage
Region(s):Northern Europe
Country(ies):United Kingdom


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