Female Genital mutilation in Africa: Promising actions and Persisting challenges (2008)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics:

Author(s): Meaza ashenafi
FGM/C Type(s): All
Health area of focus: None.

Objective: To document the experiences of seven african countries namely,egypt,ethiopia,gambia,guinea,sudan,ghana and kenya and To document and highlight some promising interventions that have contributed to catalyze and facilitate the fight against fgm at the regional,national and local levels
Study Population: relevant stakeholders and documents
Findings: The findings of this report shows that the majority of african governments in countries where FGM is practiced have made progress in the area of ratifying relevant conventions and in the adoption of laws and polices to fight fgm. despite this evident progress,50% of african countries where fgm is practiced still do not have national laws against fgm. ratification of international conventions,domestication,enacting national laws and policies and putting structures in place; show commitment to protection of the rights of the girl child. this is a step in the right direction and the report urges those countries that have not fulfilled their commitment at this level should do so as soon as possible. despite the campaign and advocacy against fgm,demographic and health surveys (dhs) shows that the rate at which fgm is declining is disappointingly slow. for instance,after several years of campaigning and advocacy with the active involvement of the first lady of egypt,fgm prevalence in egypt showed only 1% decrease over 10 years. prevalence was 97% in 1996 and 96% in 2005. fgm prevalence in guinea was 99% in 1999 and 96% in 2005 with a 3% decrease over six years. for ethiopia,prevalence was 80% for the year 2000 and 74% for 2005,a 6% decrease over 5 years. kenya registered similar progress with 38% in 1998 to 32% in 2003,a similar 6% decrease over 5 years. countries that have registered at least a 1% decrease over one year such as guinea,ethiopia and kenya are doing better than those many countries whose rate of progress is below 1%.

Geographical coverage
Region(s):Western Africa,Eastern Africa,Northern Africa


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