Female genital mutilation cutting (FGMC) coding capacities in Swiss university hospitals using the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) (2021)

This study is a Exploratory research,Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics:

Author(s): Cottler-Casanova,S.,Horowicz,M.,Gayet-Ageron,A.,& Abdulcadir,J.
FGM/C Type(s): All
Health area of focus: None.

Objective: The study assesses the number of inpatient women and girls in Swiss university hospitals from countries with high FGM/C prevalence,and of inpatients with a coded diagnosis of FGM/C.
Study Population: applying the most recent FGM/C DHS and MICS prevalence figures for each year (for girls and women aged 15–49) from FGM/C practicing countries to the number of migrant women and girls living in Switzerland. We applied the total country prevalence estimates of women aged 15–49 to all migrant women and girls living in Switzerland from the same countries. We also conducted a separate analysis for girls aged 0–14,
Findings: 8720 women and girls from FGM/C practicing countries were admitted. 207 patients had a coded diagnosis of FGM/C,including 7 with a nationality outside the 30 targeted countries,corresponding to an overall prevalence of 2.3% . The number of FGM/C cases by hospital was significantly different across years,with a higher proportion of cases collected in Geneva,Switzerland

Geographical coverage
Region(s):Western Europe


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