Female genital mutilation and complications in childbirth in the province of Gourma (Burkina Faso) (2010)

This study is a Correlation research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics:

Author(s): Ndiaye Papa,Mayassine Diongue,Adama Faye,Drissa Ouedraogo,and Dia Tal
FGM/C Type(s): All
Health area of focus: Obstretic.

Objective: To assess the prevalence of childbirth complications due to FGM in the province of Gourma,Burkina Faso
Study Population: women giving birth in four maternity wards in Fada Ngourma
Findings: FGM recorded was Type I,II or III for 28%,28% and 3% of the respondents respectively. Obstructed labor occurred in 29% of the cases,and a caesarean section was preformed in 7% of the cases. Of all the normal vaginal deliveries,24% required episiotomies,18% experienced obstetric Hemorrhaging,20% had uterine retroversion and 3% needed blood transfusions. Among the newborns,5% were resuscitated and 4% were stillbirths. The existence of FGM statistically increased the proportion of dystocia (OR = 11.5),cesarean section (OR = 17.6),episiotomy (OR = 64),perineal tears (OR = 10,2),postpartum hemorrhage (OR = 13.0),retroverted uterus (OR = 14.7),blood transfusions (OR = 8.0) and stillbirths (OR = 10.2). Women with FGM Type 2 and 3 were more prone to dystocia and obstructed labor (OR = 5.7) and cesarean delivery (OR = 5.2) than those with FGM Type 1. FGM constituted an important risk factor for complications during childbirth

Geographical coverage
Region(s):Western Africa
Country(ies):Burkina Faso


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