Female genital mutilation — a blind spot in Dutch general practice? A case–control study (2021)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics:

Author(s): Kawous R,Kerimova N,van den Muijsenbergh ME.
FGM/C Type(s): All
Health area of focus: Frequency of GPs registering FGM/C and related health problems..

Objective: To investigate how often Dutch GPs register FGM/C and related health problems.
Study Population: Women patient records
Findings: Although many migrants were registered with the participating GPs,information on country of origin was seldom recorded. Only 68 out of 16 700 patients were identified as women from countries where FGM/C is practised; 12 out of these 68 records contained information about the FGM/C status,but none on the type of FGM/C. There were no significant differences in health problems related to FGM/C between patients with FGM/C and the controls.Conclusion FGM/C may be a blind spot for GPs and registration of information on migration background could be improved. A larger sample in a future study is needed to confirm this finding. Given the growing global migration,awareness and knowledge on FGM/C,and other migration-related health issues should be part of GP training.The majority of previous research has focused on FGM/C in maternity settings. There is a need for more research on FGM/C in primary care such as general practice.1 This is the first study to investigate the provision of health care to women with FGM/C in Dutch general practice.

Geographical coverage
Region(s):Western Europe


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