Female genital mutilation (2004)

This study is a Exploratory research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics:

Author(s): Momoh Comfort
FGM/C Type(s): All
Health area of focus: None.

Objective: To provide an up to date account of recent papers and attitude on female genital mutilation in the past year. It is aimed at all professionals caring and supporting women/girls with female genital mutilation,and to identify gaps
Study Population: Relied on articles
Findings: Given the multidisciplinary complexity of the practice of female genital mutilation,it was surprising how little empirical research (both quantitative and qualitative) existed. There was a paucity of rigorous research into its prevalence,its health consequences for those girls/women experiencing the practice,the understanding of professionals who have to address the issue,the implementation of existing legislation and the impact of programme interventions intended to change people’s attitudes to,and the practice of,female genital mutilation. The overwhelming majority of literature focuses on the same topics,often drawing upon the same less-than-rigorous research data

Geographical coverage
Region(s):Not specified
Country(ies):Not specified


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