Female circumcision in Indonesia: extent implications and possible interventions to uphold womens health rights (2003)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics:

Author(s): Budiharsana Meiwita,Lila Amaliah,and Budi Utomo
FGM/C Type(s): All
Health area of focus: None.

Objective: To provide research-based information on FC customary practices and their socio-cultural determinants,and if possible,to assess the immediate and long-term physical and psychological consequences of the practices on women’s sexuality,reproduction,and reproductive rights
Study Population: FC providers,community leaders,religious leaders,and mothers,and a household survey with a sample of 1694 mothers of female children under age 19
Findings: Study findings indicate that in general Muslim communities support the continuation of FC practice,because they perceive it as both a societal custom or tradition,and a religious duty. Religious leaders want the practice of FC to continue indefinitely,because of their common interpretations that FC is required act of faith,although when being probed,they admitted that the law varies from one mazhab to another,from “wajib” (obligatory) to sunnah (recommended but optional),while some placed it an even lower level of religious duty. Around 92% of the families visited for the survey expressed support for the continuation of FC not only for their girl children but also for future grandchildren

Geographical coverage
Region(s):Southeastern Asia


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