Decrease in female genital mutilation among Nigerian Ibo girls (2001)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics:

Author(s): Nkwo PO,Onah HE
FGM/C Type(s): All
Health area of focus: None.

Objective: To examine decrease in female genital mutilation among Nigerian Ibo girls
Study Population: Consecutive Ibo females
Findings: Of the 1000 women examined,354 were circumcised (35.4%). The circumcision rates were 83.3%,59.1%,39.3%,29.7% and 21.7% for the following birth cohorts: 1956-60,1961-65,1966-70,1971-75,1976-80 and 1981-85,respectively. 318 (89.8%) of the 354 circumcised women had clitoridectomy in addition to excision of the labia minora,while the remaining 36 (10.2%) women had clitoridectomy alone. Overall prevalence of FGM (35.4%) in this study is much lower than the national average of 50-60% and the 68% recorded in a previous study 20 years earlier in the same hospital. Two factors are likely to be responsible for this trend: 1) the weak sociocultural basis of the practice in most parts of Ibo-land,and 2) the rising rate of formal education among female Ibos. In conclusion,FGM is a dying practice among the population,implicating a healthy development among Nigerian Ibos.

Geographical coverage
Region(s):Western Africa


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