Clinical,Sexual and Psychopathological Changes after Clitoral Reconstruction in a Type II Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: A Case Report (2019)

This study is a Exploratory research regarding II FGM/C with the following characteristics:

Author(s): G Mestre-Bach,I Tolosa-Sola,P Barri-Soldevila,M Jimenez-Bonora,G Lasheras,J Farre.
FGM/C Type(s): II
Health area of focus: gynaecological.

Objective: to assess sexual funcion,psychopathology and genital self-image in type ii FGM/C patient.
Study Population: women,healthcare professionals
Findings: FGM/C reconstructive surgery can lessen psychopathological and sexual distress.

Geographical coverage
Region(s):Southern Europe


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