Clinical,Sexual and Psychopathological Changes after Clitoral Reconstruction in a Type II Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: A Case Report (2019)

This study is a Exploratory research regarding II FGM/C with the following characteristics:

Author(s): Mestre-Bach,G.,Tolosa-Sola,I.,Barri-Soldevila,P.,Jiménez-Bonora,M.,Lasheras,G.,& Farré,J. M.
FGM/C Type(s): II
Health area of focus: Obstetrics,Gynecology,and Reproduction (Female sexuality,mental health and genital selfimage).

Objective: The aim was to assess sexual function,psychopathology and genital self-image in a type II FGM/C patient
Study Population: 26-year old woman who has undergone Type II FGM/C
Findings: Findings uphold that FGM/C reconstructive surgery can lessen psychopathological and sexual distress,although more research is needed in order to increase awareness of the potential benefits of genital reconstruction and to perfect the surgery procedures

Geographical coverage
Region(s):Not specified
Country(ies):Not specified


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