Cervical dysplasia among migrant women with female genital mutilation/cutting type III: A cross-sectional study (2021)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding III FGM/C with the following characteristics:

Author(s): Frick A,Azuaga A,Abdulcadir J
FGM/C Type(s): III
Health area of focus: Gynaecological.

Objective: To assess the rate of cervical dysplasia in a population of migrant women with female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) type III who attended a specialized clinic for FGM/C.
Study Population: Patient records of infibulated women who attended a specialized clinic for women and girls with FGM/C at Geneva University Hospitals (2010–2016)
Findings: Out of 360 women reviewed,188 women with FGM/C type III were included. Mean age of the women was 37.7 (±5.14) years. They were mostly from East Africa (n = 116,61.7%). A total of 113 (60%) had undergone defibulation,the majority (105; 92.9%) without undergoing re-infibulation. Cervical dysplasia was found in 20 (10.6%): 16 (8.5%) had a low-grade grade squamous intraepithelial lesion or HPV-positive atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance,Four (2.1%) had a high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions,of which one was a carcinoma in situ. Seven (35%) of the women with dysplasia underwent colposcopies regularly,five (25%) irregularly,and eight (40%) dropped out of colposcopy follow up. Cervical dysplasia is frequent among women with FGM/C type III and efforts should be made to guarantee follow up for migrant women.In conclusion,the present study shows that cervical dysplasia is frequent among women with FGM/C type III and highlights the importance of facilitating access,information,and adapted care and follow up for infibulated women,which includes cervical cancer screening. Further studies might investigate if defibulation can decrease the risk of chronic genitourinary inflammation and trauma as well as facilitate screening,follow up,and treatment.Cervical dysplasia is frequent among women with FGM/C type III and efforts should be made to guarantee follow up for migrant women.

Geographical coverage
Region(s):Western Europe


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