Attitudes of Community towards Female Genital Mutilation in Manyoni District,Singida Region,Tanzania (2018)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics:

Author(s): Chingonikaya,E. E. & Salehe,F. S.
FGM/C Type(s): All
Health area of focus: None.

Objective: This study intended to assess the attitudes of people towards the FGM and its social value in order to generate information,which would be useful in conducting more successful campaigns against the practice.
Study Population: Community members
Findings: The results found that 66.7 percent of respondents had a negative view towards female genital mutilation (FGM),20.8% had a neutral attitude,and 12.5% had a good attitude towards FGM. The majority of respondents (79.2 percent) cited increased chances of marriage as one of the reasons for having FGM,whereas the majority (77.5%) cited Lawalawa and the majority (76.7%) cited evidence of sexual maturity. Many residents in the district appeared to have a negative view on female genital mutilation. This implies that FGM could be eradicated because most people have an unfavorable view on the procedure. Generally,the attitudes of people in the study had been negative towards the FGM. Therefore,the possibility of eradicating the FGM is obvious,especially for the coming generation. Researchers recommended that campaigns to eradicate FGM should actively involve younger women who many of them do not prefer the practice. The campaigns should also major in doing away with cultural beliefs and how to treat lawalawa,since Lawalawa is not actually a disease,but a result of dirt and poor cleanliness of genitalia. Therefore,emphasis on campaigns for eradicating the practice should strongly be to encourage women to keep themselves and their female children clean. In case of infections,the victims should be taken to health centres for treatment. Stereotypic notions bonded in the culture and beliefs of the communities on favour of FGM should also be removed through healthy,psychological,and human rights approaches.

Geographical coverage
Region(s):Eastern Africa


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