‘Birds of the same feathers fly together’: midwives’ experiences with pregnant women and FGM/C complications – a grounded theory study in Liberia (2019)

This study is a Descriptive research regarding All FGM/C with the following characteristics:

Author(s): Tarr-Attia,C. K.,Boiwu,G. H.,& Martínez-Pérez,G.
FGM/C Type(s): All
Health area of focus: Obstetrics.

Objective: This study aimed to understand the health implications of FGM/C as perceived by qualified female midwives.
Study Population: Female registered midwives born in Liberia; knowledgeable of FGM/C; and who had worked as midwives for at least two years were targeted as study participant
Findings: The midwives participants described how clitoridectomy was the most common FGM/C type done to the girls during the Sande initiation ceremonies. Sexual impairment and intrapartum vulvo-perineal laceration with subsequent hemorrhage were described as frequent FGM/C-attributable complications that some midwives could be unable to address due to lack of knowledge and skills. The majority of midwives would advocate for the abandonment of FGM/C,and for the preservation of the traditional instructions that the girls in FGM/C-practicing regions receive when joining Sande. The midwives described how migration to urban areas,and improved access to information and communication technologies might be fuelling abandonment of FGM/C.

Geographical coverage
Region(s):Western Africa


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